Monday, February 2, 2009

Award dari Kak Tie...

Ini award dari kak tie...cute kan..thans a lot kak Tie...

Poem nie plak untuk semua sahabat-sahabat yang sudi membaca,bertukar2 pandangan dan pendapat,tak dilupakan sesiapa yang sudi menziarahi saya. Unik persahabatan kita..even kita tak pernah jumpa..tapi rasa macam kita saling mengenali..kan..Friends Forever...


Suzin Polish Schwartz or LaurieAnn Kelly (unclear who was original author)

Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
If you turn and walk away,
your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way,
your forever friend guides you
and cheers you on.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.

Poems ini dari


Dearie Pearls said...


Thanx for sharin'..

Anonymous said...

salam izzah

" ... if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry..."

kata2 yang amat bermakna... :)

Tie said...

Mekasih Izzah, kerana sudi terima award tak seberapa tu dari makcik toing toing ni...

Nice poem tu....hi hi..

Izzah said...


sweet kan..untuk semua sahabat2...


poem nie memang melambangkan persahabatan yang sejati..saya bersyukur ada sahabat2 sebegini.

kak tie..kalau akak bagi sebatang mancis pun saya long as..its come from my true friends...

Tirana said...

Nice poems...thank you..

fazemy said...

Kitakan teman tapi mesra:-)Sronok dpt kenal dgn Izzah dlm blog ni. Walau sapepun kamu di luar sana..saya rasa spertia sudah lama mengenali each other. Serius ni. Mmg terasa begitu:-)

Anonymous said...

Mungkin waktu kan terus berlalu, membawa buih-buih pergi menjauh. Dan manusia hanyalah butir pasir berserak di hamparan zaman, yang mengikuti kemana angin takdir berhembus. Dan mungkin waktu melapukkan batu, membuat besi menjadi karat; Mengubah dunia menjadi tidak seperti yang kita kira dan angankan. Walau sungguh pun waktu berkuasa, persahabatan sejati takkan mudah pudar olehnya.

Izzah said...

Kak tirana..special untuk akak..:)

Aku pun merasa ape yang kau rase..hehehe

Kak Jie..memang pakar berkata2..friends forever